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#Fear We know what we should be doing. We even make a plan on how to do it. We even know that it will work if we work it. Fear stands up in our face and speaks things that discourage us, that discounts us, that distracts us


Sometimes faith and fear occupy the same space, but FAITH must rule over fear! Make sure you are clear on what you believe. Rehearse your faith in your heart, in your mind and Speak it out of your mouth. By speaking what you believe you cast down every thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of TRUTH.

#Distractions Sometimes distractions become our friends because they help us avoid the hard things. They keep us occupied so we always have an excuse of why we didn't accomplish something.

Dis-tract yourself from the distraction! Stop going down that tract (extent or lapse of time)! Set yourself up to win by knowing and understanding your triggers. Those things you know of that gets you off track. Stick to the plan, stay the course.

#People Doubters, haters, discouragers, disappointmenters we've had them all in our lives. The mock, they tear down, they don't give suppo


"Don't allow yourself to be reduced to a thought in someone else's mind when you are a PURPOSE in the heart and mind of God" Andrell Cooks Every day of your life should be a progression of the day before. Even if you only take one step, make sure that step is forward!

For Daily Motivation

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